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Terms of use

Consultation of the website implies unreserved acceptance of these terms of use. These conditions of use are defined below and the simple use and/or consultation of this site implies, automatically and unconditionally, your full acceptance of all its conditions of use.

1. Publisher identification
1.1 Director of publication :
Mr FREY Pierre-Régis
5 place des Alliés
68290 Masevaux-Niederbruck
Phone: +33 (0)3 89 38 05 38

1.2 Website design and hosting
30 rue François Spoerry
F-68100 Mulhouse
Tel: + 33 (0)3 89 60 75 65

2. Terms of use
2.1 Use of the TANALS brand or logo
2.1.1 The TANALS brand and logo

Any reproduction in whole or in part of this brand or logo, made from elements of the site without the express authorization of the operator of the website or its assignee is prohibited;

2.2 Intellectual property rights
2.2.1 The website was created by Asterium.

2.2.2 All elements of this website (texts, photographs, illustrations, logos, files available for download, videos, graphic charter elements, etc.) are the exclusive property of TANALS.

2.2.3 These elements are protected by French and international copyright laws.

2.2.4 Reproduction and/or representation of these elements is authorized for information purposes only, for strictly personal and private use. Commercial use of these elements is forbidden without prior authorization from TANALS. The presentation of one of the pages of the website in a web page not belonging to the latter (framing) is prohibited. The practice of calling up one of the elements of the site as defined in paragraph 2.2.2 in a web page not belonging to the site (in-line linking) is prohibited.

2.3 Databases are protected under the law applicable to data compilations. Any extraction or attempted extraction, in whole or in part, may give rise to civil and criminal liability.

3. Personal information
Processing of personal data and right of access, modification and deletion

Any personal data collected on the site is used solely for the management of online requests and audience analysis. No personal information is passed on to third parties.

In accordance with article 34 of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended by the Act of August 6, 2004, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any data concerning you, and the right to object to any further use of such data.

You can exercise this right by contacting TANALS

4. Cookies
There are several types of cookies, each with one or more specific purposes:

Essential cookies - These session cookies are deposited by the site in order to function properly. These cookies can be used to recognize the terminal (computer, tablet or mobile) you are using when browsing our Site.
Audience measurement cookies - In order to establish statistics to measure the audience of our site, "audience cookies" are placed by a trusted third party. The data is anonymous.
These cookies enable us to count the number of people who visit our site and to identify the pages that are most frequently consulted. This enables us to improve our site to better meet your expectations. This information is never cross-referenced with personal data such as your first and last names.

To help us do this, we use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google. The cookies generated by Google Analytics analyze the path you take on the pages you visit, the time you spend there and the links that brought you to us.

We have no control over the collection of cookies by social networks. We invite you to consult their privacy policies directly

You can, however, express your choice to our partners and at any time configure your browser software so that cookies are stored in the terminal or, on the contrary, that they are rejected. Users can also configure their browsers to accept or reject cookies from time to time, before a cookie is stored.

Your choices concerning cookies

You can refuse to accept cookies by configuring your browser:

5. Responsibility
The hypertext links set up within the framework of the present site leading to other sites or resources present on the Internet network do not engage the responsibility of the site editor, in particular because of the services offered by the designated sites.

6. Updating of legal notices
TANALS reserves the right to update the present legal notice at any time, in line with changes in the site's content and additional protection requirements.